Who We Are
Rasul Al Akram Academy is a boys secondary school located along Langata Road, off Kuwinda Road. The school was established by His Eminence Allama, Syed Mourtada Mourtada Al-‘Amiliy, through THE MUNTAZIR CHARITABLE TRUST in early 90s as an institution for Islamic Sciences and Arabic Language.
However, later on, the founder thought that it would be prudent to start a boys High school so as to attain the national goals. Rasul Al Akram Academy was hence registered with the ministry of education in 1995 to offer both the 8:4:4 and IGSE curriculums, though it has all through offered the 8:4:4 curriculum due the kind of students the management targeted as indicated in the objectives.
Our Objectives
Since its establishment, the Academy’s main objectives have been:- Provide an opportunity for children from all backgrounds to acquire knowledge in a well guided process.
- Nurture future leaders for the nation by giving them a strong foundation in education.
- Establish an exemplary community of scholars and researchers for the well-being of the entire society.
- Support the national goals of development.